Monday, January 28, 2013

When to delegate "what to do" and "how to do" tasks

When we are intent only on getting a task being completed,
we may entrust others with that "what to do" task.

When we are intent on "the characteristics" of the outcome of a task,
we may entrust others with "only that how to do" task,
the completion of which will manifest those characteristics.

We may focus only on "our" how to do steps

When we need to do anything, there may be component "how to do" steps.
We may choose to do some "how to do" steps, and
choose to entrust others with some other "how to do" steps.
We may then begin executing "our" how to do steps, one by one

We may focus only on "our" what to do steps

When we need to accomplish anything, there may be component "what to do" steps.
We may choose to do some "what to do" steps, and
choose to entrust others with some other "what to do" steps.
We may then begin executing "our" what to do steps, one by one.

"Fear arises" when we "behold the list of steps to do"

Most of our tasks have component steps.
If we inwardly behold the full list of steps,
what we experience is "anxiety" and "fear".

Saturday, January 5, 2013

How our parents represent our primal fate

From the material and personal environments provided to us through our parents,
we can "foresee" the likely set of objects which we may experience through them.
But, we normally see objects arriving at us through fate, only when these arrive.
Since our parents enable us to foresee objects arriving at us, they represent our "primal fate".