Saturday, December 31, 2011

Forced experiences wean us away from the world

1  Many times objects force themselves on to our awareness
    forcing upon us pleasure or pain of an unknown degree
    The memory of these experiences themselves is 'active memory'

2  We also realize our 3-fold helplessness from these experiences
    a)   We have to experience these objects forcing themselves upon us
    b)   We do not know when these objects will force themselves upon us
    c)   We have to experience both pleasure and pain springing
           from the contact with these objects
    The memory of this 3-fold helplessness is 'passive memory'

3   A combined working of these 2 memories gradually forces our minds to be so alert
     as to constantly wean us away even from our habit of experiencing
     objects of pleasurable experience

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Work anywhere knowing numbers and words

Knowledge of numbers and words is
what all objective knowledge is about.
Therefore, one can enter into and work in any field.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Trace awareness of dual modes to the Spine

We conceive good because we conceive bad
We conceive bad because we conceive good
We may trace the origin of both good and bad
to our awareness in the spine.