We may serve those coming in contact with us every day.
At the time of such service, we may push our awareness,
a) far beyond the limits of the physical bodies of those being beheld in our vision and served,
b) to the far end of the horizon to the end of the cosmos, which far end our limited vision cannot behold.
Then, on account of this inability of ours to behold,
our attention happens to focus on our awareness in the nether region.
This lifts the rays of our minds to higher regions.
Thus, our loving action impels the spiritual progress of our awareness to the higher chakras.
At the time of such service, we may push our awareness,
a) far beyond the limits of the physical bodies of those being beheld in our vision and served,
b) to the far end of the horizon to the end of the cosmos, which far end our limited vision cannot behold.
Then, on account of this inability of ours to behold,
our attention happens to focus on our awareness in the nether region.
This lifts the rays of our minds to higher regions.
Thus, our loving action impels the spiritual progress of our awareness to the higher chakras.